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Karaczany, hełmce (Blattariae), owady z rzędu zaliczanego do podgromady owadów uskrzydlonych, obejmujące 10 rodzin i ok. 3500 gatunków. Ciało wydłużone owalnie, spłaszczone, ubarwione brązowo lub brunatnoszare o długości od kilku do ponad 100 mm. Czułki długości ciała. Nogi długie o budowie umożliwiającej szybkie poruszanie się po gładkich powierzchniach. 2 pary skrzydeł, zdolność latania posiadają w niewielkim stopniu. Samica składa jaja w kokonie. Karaczany przechodzą tzw. przeobrażenie niezupełne.

W Europie Środkowej najczęściej spotykanymi przedstawicielami są karaluch, czyli karaczan wschodni (Blatta orientalis), prusak (Blattella germanica). Karaczan wschodni jest rozprzestrzeniony na całym świecie, bytując stale w domach i zabudowaniach gospodarczych, żywi się odpadkami, jest trudnym do zwalczenia szkodnikiem.

Ta strona dedykowana jest wspaniałemu administratorowi tego serwera.
Jak widać więcej czasu poświęca swoim malutkim przyjaciołom niż pracy.

General Information about Cockroach

  1. Cockroach Home Page
  2. Cockroach: General from FAIRS (University of Florida)
  3. Cockroach info from Alpha Pest Control Ltd. (UK)
  4. Cockroaches Colorado State University
  5. Cockroach from University of Minnesota
  6. Cockroach Overview for those who are not familiar with these type of pests
  7. Cockroach Reference? by Joe Kunkel
  8. The Complete Cockroach by David George Gordon
  9. Genetic Stock Center for the German Cockroach from Virginia TECH
  10. Guide to Roaches The Berkeley Blattaria
  11. Guide to Roaches University of Florida's
  12. Learning In Cockroach High School Materials
  13. Mystery Roach from Squashed Bug Zoo
  14. Rachel Hunter's Roach Page

Cockroach Biology

  1. Cockroach World and Cockroach Fact immigrants
  2. Development of the Cockroach from FAIRS (University of Florida)
  3. Evolution and the Cockroach by George Abraham
  4. References of Cockroach from Contemporary Authors and also from
    Invertebrate Biology, Volume 114, No. 4 and Zoological Institute - St. Petersburg, Russia
  5. Cloning studies on Cockroach
  6. Diptostatin studies on the cockroach
  7. Turning Behavior in Running Cockroaches
  8. Where to Look for Cockroaches from FAIRS (University of Florida)

Cockroach Management

  1. Cockroach Elimination from University of Kentucky
  2. Cockroach and their Control from University of Nebraska
  3. Cockroach Control from FAIRS (University of Florida)
  4. Cockroach Control from Armed Forces Pest Management Board
  5. Cockroach Control Manual from the University of Nebraska
  6. Cockroach Elimination from the University of Kentucky
  7. Cockroach Control from Delaware, University
  8. Control Cockroaches With Fungus in Bait Stations
  9. Cockroach biological Control Midwest Bi News
  10. CockRoach Control: Parasitic Wasps
  11. Can We Kill Resistant Cockroaches? and new product Virginia Tech

Cockroach Identificaiton and Taxonomy

  1. Cockroach: Identification, Myth, Factoids, Facts, and Tips for It from ORKIN
  2. Taxonomy: University of Arizona Tree of Life
  3. Blatodea Culture Group World of Insects
  4. Kind of Cockroaches from FAIRS (University of Florida)

Cockroach for Kids

  1. America's Most Unwanted Knowledge Adventure, Inc
  2. The Beast of Bodmin Moor - general info from the UK
  3. Glossary to learn all those great cockroach parts
  4. Learning In Cockroaches

Cockroach Pictures/Images

  1. Picture gallery of cockroaches from the University of Nebraska
  2. Pictures of Roaches - University of Illinois

Common Species of Cockroach

  1. American Cockroach from Ohio State University
  2. American Cockroach from Virginia TECH
  3. American Cockroach Photos from University of California - Berkley
  4. Brownbanded Cockroach from Ohio State University
  5. Brownbanded Cockroach from Virginia TECH
  6. German Cockroach from Ohio State University
  7. Cockroach - German, in Low Income Housing from FAIRS (University of Florida)
  8. German Cockroach from Virginia TECH
  9. German Cockroach Resistance Ratio Study: An ANOVA Procedure
  10. German Cockroach: Effects of Synergistson Pyrethroid Resistance
  11. Italian Roaches - I have no idea what it is saying
  12. Madagascar Hissing Cockroaches University of Kentucky
  13. Madagascan Giant Hissing Roaches
  14. Oriental Cockroach from Ohio State University
  15. Oriental Cockroach from Virginia TECH
  16. Wood Cockroach from Iowa Insect Information Notes
  17. Wood Cockroach from Ohio State University
  18. Wood Cockroach from Virginia TECH

Fun and Other stuff of Cockroach

  1. The Care of Cockroaches AES Bug Club's Care Sheet
  2. Cockroaches as Pets World of Insects
  3. Tuscon Weekly Cockroach Confidential October 19, 1995
  4. Archy and Mehitabel Don Marquis' classic tales of a poetic cockroach and an alley cat
  5. Captain Cockroach Comic Strip
  6. The Cockroach Baron - short story
  7. The Memoirs of Alexander Fever - Cockroach to the Stars Written by Tony Kirman
  8. More roaches than you can shake a stick at
  9. Ode to a Cockroach Peter and the Wolf
  10. Our Friend the Roach by Jim Hunter
  11. The Roaches Have No King - odd snippet of a book
  12. Ronald's Roaches
  13. Survivability of the Cockroach to Novel Stress Conditions by Jason L. Maron
  14. WSRN Radio Presents..... "The Phantom Cockroach"

Justyna - za kokrołcze (miłej pracy :>)
LeMuR & kaCZ0r - całokształt

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