
Argus Online Registration

Authorized Registration Site on CIFNet, Inc.

Charge will be made by CIFNet, Inc.

Argus is free for non-commercial use. Commercial users must pay registration fee.

We accept all major credit cards

Register your copy online

On-line registration via Secure Server (for Credit Card usage only)

If you have trouble with connection to our Secure Server click HERE

or register using Regular Web Service

You can also register Argus using regular mail service.
Just include your check or money order made payable
to CIFNet, Inc. and mail it to:
2545 W. Peterson Ave. Suite 209, Chicago, IL 60659
(773)989-0442 phone, (773)788-5369 fax.

When filling Online Registration Form, you are prompted for "Registration Password".
Registration Password is used to protect your Registration Code (key) from being stolen and used illegally. Please keep your password remembered. We do not keep it in our database for security reason, thus forgotten passwords cannot be recovered other way than regenerating the key with a new password. Key regenerating procedure fee is $3.